Reviews Series 04-21-2024 at 14:00 comment views icon

Review of the series «Manhunt»

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Denys Fedoruk

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Review of the series «Manhunt»

On April 19, Apple TV+ released the final, seventh episode of the historical thriller «Manhunt», based on the nonfiction book by American writer and historian James L. Swanson «Manhunt: The 12-Day Chase for Lincoln’s Killer» (2007). In the review below, we describe how the series’ authors recreate the fateful events for the United States.

Review of the series «Manhunt»


sometimes interesting story about the past of the United States; good cast; good recreation of the historical era


the narrative is often scattered into numerous flashbacks, dialogues and monotonous office wars, which makes the pace suffer and interest in it sharply decreases; secondary characters are barely memorable; there are too few tense moments for a thriller, which the series is positioned as on Apple TV+



Genre historical drama, conspiracy thriller
Creator Monika Beletski
Starring Tobias Menzies, Anthony Boyle, Matt Walsh, Brandon Flynn, Betty Gabriel, Patton Oswalt
Premiere Apple TV+
Year of issue 2024
Website IMDb

April 14, 1865 will forever be remembered as a black date in the history of the United States. It was then that 26-year-old theater actor John Wilkes Booth, a supporter of the newly defeated Confederacy, made his way into the presidential box of Ford’s Theater, where Abraham Lincoln and several others were sitting, and shot the president in the back of the head. The next morning, he died, and the assassin left Washington and traveled to Richmond. The search for Booth was led by Lincoln’s good friend and Secretary of War Edwin Stanton, who became the main character of the series.«Полювання на вбивцю» The 16th president of the United States and his tragic fate in particular have already been the subject of many films, in various genres, from serious biopics starring classics like John Ford and Steven Spielberg to outright trash like «Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter».

The new series does not aim to dig into the details of the «grand conspiracy», and the local plot is not so much about Lincoln himself as it is a reminder of how important his reforms were. How much effort it cost his followers to implement them. A significant part of the story is devoted to the aftermath of the fateful events, as well as to Booth’s wanderings and capture, so Stanton and his associates are given a special role in this regard.

The authors of «Manhunt» produce something like a police procedural in the setting of postwar America. However, the narrative dynamics here are very slow. This happens not only because the plot involves a lot of flashbacks and dialog scenes, but also because the writers try to pay maximum attention to many factors and focus on the smallest details.

«Полювання на вбивцю»However, such a zealous desire to touch on all aspects of history is not always beneficial. For example, Stanton’s contradictions with Andrew Johnson are shown in a heavily dashed-out way to have any more substantial role than the nominal one.

The best moments of the plot are found in the most tense scenes, whether it’s the stage of discovering Booth’s whereabouts and trying to apprehend him or the events of the final episode, when the story takes on the distinct elements of a courtroom thriller. In contrast, we have numerous office intrigues and wars that are hardly exciting.

«This country belongs to the whites, and I won’t give it to you without a fight» — says one of the Southern supporters. It is not difficult to guess that the theme of slave emancipation is a thin red thread running through the plot. However, it harmoniously complements the main arches and does not obscure what comes to the fore.«Полювання на вбивцю» Tobias Menzies, who plays Edwin Stanton, looks nothing like his historical prototype, but he looks very convincing as a high-ranking official whose actions will determine not only the exposure of the conspirators but also the fate of the entire country. Anthony Boyle, whom we have recently seen in the hit Apple TV+ series «Masters of the Air», perfectly inhabited the role of a vain racist artist blinded by destructive beliefs.

Unlike Netflix, Apple TV+ is not always successful, but it still tries to take quality over quantity, attracting far from the latest stars to its multi-genre projects. Along with event-based science fiction («Silo», «Constellation») now includes shows about prominent American politicians of the past. The service follows «Manhunt» with «Franklin», which tells the story of Benjamin Franklin, whose role in the formation of the United States as a state cannot be overstated.

Review of the series «Manhunt»

«Manhunt» at times, it’s really exciting, but in its quietest moments, it’s overwhelmingly boring.

However, this may be because a project about the dramatic past of the United States does not seem so vital at the moment when at this moment the future of Ukraine is being decided.


«Manhunt» is somewhat interesting, but offers too much boredom and definitely doesn't look like a must-see project.

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