News Military Tech 07-05-2024 at 13:23 comment views icon

Chinese counterparts of MQ-9 Reaper UAVs were on their way to Russia’s accomplices in Libya — contraband seized by Italian customs

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Andrii Rusanov

News writer

Chinese counterparts of MQ-9 Reaper UAVs were on their way to Russia’s accomplices in Libya — contraband seized by Italian customs

Italian customs officials seized parts of two combat drones, similar to the US MQ-9 Reaper, disguised as wind turbines in containers heading from China to Libya. Officials intercepted six containers in the port of Gioia Tauro, labeled as parts for wind turbines. In fact, they contained the fuselages and wings of military drones, according to a statement by the Financial Police, which patrols Italian waters and prevents smuggling.

Investigators say that the drone parts were hidden among materials similar to wind turbine fan blades «in order to conceal them from inspections». According to the Financial Police, the transported drones weigh more than 3 tons, are more than 10 meters long and have a wingspan of more than 20 meters.

British The Times reports that the Italian authorities acted on the basis of US intelligence. The publication notes that on June 18, three containers were seized on the MSC Arina, and customs officials expect three more to arrive on the MSC Apolline over the weekend. These are Wing Loong UAVs that were headed to Benghazi, to Libyan General Khalifa Haftar. The delivery includes two drone control stations.

The technical characteristics of the drones are the same as the Wing Loong-2 model. This UAV is often compared to American MQ-9 Reaperalthough its maximum speed and altitude are inferior to the drone.

Китайські аналоги БПЛА MQ-9 Reaper їхали до спільників росії в Лівії — контрабанду вилучили італійські митники

Characteristics of Wing Loong-2

  • Length — 11 m
  • Wingspan — 20.5 m
  • Height — 4.1 m
  • Maximum takeoff weight — 4200 kg
  • Top speed — 370 km/h (200 knots)
  • Cruising speed — 200 km/h (110 knots)
  • Takeoff speed — 150 km/h (81 knots)
  • Flight time — 32 hours
  • Maximum altitude — 9,900 m
  • Load capacity — up to 480 kg

The drone can be armed with FT-10, FT-9, FT-7, GB7, GB4 bombs and BRM1, AKD-10, BA-7 missiles. It is equipped with «air-to-ground» radars, a GPS system, an electro-optical unit of daylight cameras and infrared sensors. Wing Loong-2 is capable of communicating at a distance of up to 1000 km.

When the Wing Loong-2 was unveiled in 2017, Chinese state media wrote that Beijing was the first to match the United States in the «new generation of large-scale integrated reconnaissance and strike UAVs». It is unclear whether the Chinese government was involved in the delivery.

Китайські аналоги БПЛА MQ-9 Reaper їхали до спільників росії в Лівії — контрабанду вилучили італійські митники

The Italian authorities did not say whether the smuggled shipment contained ammunition for drones. It is noted that this confiscation is likely to violate the long-standing UN arms embargo on arms supplies to and from Libya.

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