News Science and space 05-03-2024 at 18:16 comment views icon

Hubble Network establishes Bluetooth connection with satellite for the first time in history

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Vadym Karpus

News writer

Hubble Network became the first company in the world to establish a Bluetooth connection directly to a satellite. The startup launched its first two satellites into orbit as part of the SpaceX Transporter-10 mission in March. The company confirmed that it received signals from the embedded 3.5-millimeter Bluetooth chips from a distance of more than 600 kilometers.

Hubble Network claims that its technology can be used in a variety of markets, including logistics, livestock tracking, smart pet collars, GPS watches for children, automotive devices, construction sites, and soil temperature monitoring. The company initially plans to work with industries that require network coverage at least once a day, such as remote asset monitoring for the oil and gas industry. As the number of satellites increases, the company will turn its attention to sectors that may require more frequent updates and even continuous coverage, such as soil or fall monitoring for the elderly.

Once the service is launched, customers will simply need to integrate additional code into their device’s chipset to activate the connection to the Hubble network.

Hubble Network вперше в історії встановила Bluetooth-з’єднання із супутником

The company has also patented a phase array antenna that can be launched by small satellites. The antennas work almost like a magnifying glass, which allows the finished Bluetooth chip to communicate with the Hubble satellite.

Hubble Network plans to launch the third satellite as part of SpaceX’s Transporter-11 mission this summer, and the fourth satellite in Transporter-13. These four satellites will make up the «beta» constellation. However, customers of the pilot project can already start integrating. In the fourth quarter of 2025 or early 2026, the startup plans to launch the next 32 satellites simultaneously. These 36 satellites will make up the first operational constellation, and they will provide communication with the Hubble Network satellite for about 2-3 hours a day from anywhere in the world.

Source: techcrunch

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