News Military Tech 06-26-2024 at 15:45 comment views icon

«Just Space»: GUR reports on the work of the «Prytula satellite» ICEYE — 4173 images of hostile objects

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Andrii Rusanov

News writer

«Just Space»: GUR reports on the work of the «Prytula satellite» ICEYE — 4173 images of hostile objects

The Defence Intelligence of Ukraine told about the results of using the «people’s satellite» ICEYE, whose work in the interests of Ukraine was ensured by «Serhiy Prytula’s Charitable Foundation», blogger Igor Lachenkov and donations from Ukrainians on «people’s bayraktar». Satellite supplies data to Ukrainian intelligence for almost two years now.

During this time, ICEYE has taken 4173 images of Russian occupiers’ facilities in Ukraine and other parts of the world from orbit. During all this time, the scouts managed to see:

  • 17 naval bases
  • 153 fuel depots and tank farms
  • 147 ammunition depots, including missile and aircraft depots
  • 238 air defense and radio reconnaissance positions
  • 370 airfields

CEYE also monitors Russian deployment points, military camps, training grounds and mobilization centers. This allows us to monitor the enemy’s movements and draw conclusions about the occupiers’ further actions and plans. «Narodnyi Sputnik» monitors Russian military-industrial facilities and the aggressor’s transportation routes, including the illegal Kerch bridge.

The ICEYE spacecraft makes it possible to clearly see the aggressor’s troop concentrations, even if they are camouflaged. Mechanized units and places of concentration of military equipment are clearly visible. The satellite’s characteristics make it possible to identify the type and type of enemy combat aircraft, air defense systems and ships detected. It helps to record the consequences of Ukrainian strikes on Russian military targets.

About 38% of the data received by the ICEYE satellite is used to prepare fire strikes against the Russian aggressor. These are the strikes caused the occupiers billions of dollars in damage and reduced their military potential.

Source: GUR

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