News Technologies 05-25-2024 at 18:39 comment views icon

Mandrake with GPT-4o: blogger talks to the plant with a Raspberry Pi

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Andrii Rusanov

News writer

Mandrake with GPT-4o: blogger talks to the plant with a Raspberry Pi

Keeping plants is a business that requires care, knowledge, and patience. Plants can’t tell you if something is wrong with them, and when it becomes noticeable, it’s often too late to do anything about it. Blogger Matt Reed has made it possible to literally talk to a plant with a GPT-4o and a Raspberry Pi and ask if it’s okay.

Matt explained how everything works in the blog and on video. What’s more, the plant is the first to tell when it needs care. The enthusiast uses sensors to monitor soil quality. They form an idea of what exactly the plant needs. The system is equipped with a microphone that can be used to ask the plant directly how it is doing and what it needs. The video is worth watching, it’s a really great conversation.

The Raspberry Pi receives sensor data and analyzes it with GPT-4o — the language model generates a response. Artificial intelligence also tracks previous events. For example, in the video, the plant says that it was too cold last night.

Not only does the project help with gardening, it is also a great demonstration of translating device readings into normal spoken language using an AI language model. The enthusiast plans to improve the system with more sensors and create a forecasting capability.

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