News Software 05-29-2024 at 19:04 comment views icon

Marriage by video in the app «Diia» — The Ministry of Digital Transformation invites to beta test

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Andrii Rusanov

News writer

Marriage by video in the app «Diia» — The Ministry of Digital Transformation invites to beta test

Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine launched beta test of online marriage in the «Diia» app. The service will be useful for those newlyweds who are unable to register their marriage in the usual way due to the war.

Couples of adult citizens of Ukraine who have an ID card or passport in «Diia», a verified tax number, are single or officially divorced are invited to take the test. In fact, they will receive the status of «the world’s first digital brides». Follow the link to register for the test and leave feedback.

«Next up — the world’s first official video marriage. A few clicks — and you can apply for a marriage, hold a ceremony, and get married right in your smartphone. This is especially important for couples who cannot be together due to the war,» the ministry said in a statement.

Marriage service through the application «Action» Minister Mykhailo Fedorov announced in early February 2024. Online registration of marriage applications has been available since the end of February, and during this time more than 25,000 applications have been registered.

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