News Movie 07-26-2024 at 16:33 comment views icon

Marvel spoiled X-23 in the trailer «Deadpool and Wolverine» because Daphne Keane wanted to come to the premiere

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Ihor Panchenko

News writer

Marvel spoiled X-23 in the trailer «Deadpool and Wolverine» because Daphne Keane wanted to come to the premiere

Marvel Studios CEO Kevin Feige spoke about the reasons for this decision at the film’s premiere in New York.

X-23, also known as Laura Kinney, — is a clone of Wolverine created from his DNA. This character first appeared in the 2017 film «Logan», where young Dafne Keen played the role of a mutant girl with superpowers similar to those of Wolverine. X-23 has accelerated regeneration, superhuman strength, and adamantium claws.

Marvel заспойлерила X-23 у трейлері «Дедпула і Росомахи», бо Дафні Кін хотіла прийти на прем'єру

According to Feige, Daphne Keane was eager to attend the premiere, but her appearance could have been a spoiler. Therefore, Marvel decided to disclose this information in advance

«We decided to show X-23 in the trailer because her appearance reveals the emotional core of the film,» Faigi explained.

The Marvel executive added that Disney’s marketing team knows exactly when to reveal more information and when to hold back. In the end, the studio agreed to include X-23 in the trailer because it looked appropriate and allowed Daphne Keane to attend the premiere.

Movie «Deadpool and Wolverine» marks the return of Hugh Jackman to the role of the clawed mutant after his farewell in «Logan». Ryan Reynolds, who will play the talkative mercenary for the third time, spoke about his impressions of working on the film.

«I’m most proud of the fact that every shot of Deadpool and Wolverine was thought out to the smallest detail. We put so much time and attention into every moment, and it really paid off,» Reynolds told reporters.

Hugh Jackman added: «We both had very high expectations for the movie. We wanted to exceed them because these characters mean so much to us. Our friendship is one of the most important things in my life. We wanted to do the best we could, and I think the result exceeded all expectations».Kevin Feige also recently said that possible movie crossover between Marvel and DCand «Deadpool and Wolverine» will not be the last movie of the duo

The film was released in Ukraine on July 25.

Source: Variety

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