News IT business 04-11-2024 at 21:48 comment views icon

Multimillion-dollar developer profits in the Apple App Store have turned out to be a bug in recent days

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Andrii Rusanov

News writer

Multimillion-dollar developer profits in the Apple App Store have turned out to be a bug in recent days

Some developers have had a disconcerting morning as a bug in App Store Connect has been showing millions in revenue from apps placed in the store for some time. App Store Connect provides developers with statistics and analytics related to their apps. While the system is fairly reliable, minor issues arise from time to time that can lead to data distortion.

In posts on Mastodon in recent days, developers have reported that sales and revenue data are displaying very incorrect data. Due to the bug, App Store Connect reported to developers that they earned much more than usual, literally millions of dollars. different screenshots showed revenues from about $2 million to more than $10 million.

Apple App Store

One of the screenshots shows that Apple became aware of the problem at some point. It has a message at the top of the page: «There is an issue with sales and revenue data in the 24 hour view from April 10, 2024, 22:00 UTC. We are working to resolve it».

While the reporting failure this morning has some hearts beating faster, in some cases it can cause serious problems. For example, companies that have automated their App Store ad spend based on revenue per hour may find that the system has temporarily increased their ad spend. With millions of dollars in reporting, such a mistake could potentially be extremely costly. But so far, no such cases have been reported.

Source: Apple Insider

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