News Ukraine 06-13-2024 at 14:56 comment views icon
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Noname Digital does not pay salaries for 6 months and asks to «raid» customers in the App Store

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Igor Sheludchenko

News writer

Noname Digital, which employs about 300 people, has not paid its employees for six months of work. The reason was an unscrupulous customer who failed to fulfill his payment obligations.

Situation sorted out DOU, which took comments from employees and representatives of Noname Digital. Here are the main points.

Out of 300 people, a significant part of the team is developers. One of the specialists claims that he has not been paid for six months. Payments were also delayed for other developers, which, according to him, is about 100 people.

Some of them are a little better off — one employee left the company in May, after two weeks of delay.

«Two weeks passed. The developers were “tearing up” the chat hoping to get through to the management and the financial manager about payment. Very rarely did any of them answer that they were “working on it”. Three weeks later, we received information from the management that only those who were at the stage of project delivery would receive some payments. “After that, I said goodbye to my colleagues and left the corporate chat,” he wrote.

They went to Noname Digital for additional income

It is important to note that for many developers, cooperation with Noname Digital was just an additional income. The specifics of hiring and employment were as follows:

  • the company is looking for mostly beginners or those with a Middle level
  • hires specialists as freelancers on a B2B contract
  • They hire everyone without an interview or with a conditional interview
  • Employees receive a task, complete it, submit it and get paid

«To be honest, I realized that the lack of a legal justification for the subscription in the contract would sooner or later lead to such a situation. That’s why I didn’t take on 4-5 projects in parallel», — one of the employees admitted.

The experts also spoke about numerous problems in the company.

  • Employees began to be threatened with fines months before any technical specifications appeared.
  • Neither managers, nor QA, nor developers knew what the project should look like, but at the same time, they were forced to perform new tasks for free.
  • For refusing to do so, they were removed from the project and not paid. There were cases when a developer could be «kicked» from the work chat after six months of working on a project for complaining to the company about non-payment.

Noname Digital offers «raids» fraudulent customers

The company itself confirms the information about the delay and offers to «raid» the customer’s app pages in the App Store.

This was supposed to speed up the receipt of payments. The developer explains that «raids» provided for such actions:

  • install a specific application;
  • leave a bad rating and write a negative review;
  • file a complaint through the App Store service for copyright infringement.

In its official response, the company said that it had paid 25% of the agreed remuneration under the contracts to the software developers using all available funds of the company. And at the end of June, in any case, we will make another payment to our developers in the amount of 10% of our contractual obligations using internal resources.

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