News Software 07-05-2024 at 09:13 comment views icon

OpenAI «hacked» by a hacker, the company did not report it — insiders

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Andrii Rusanov

News writer

It became known that in early 2023, a hacker gained access to OpenAI’s internal messaging systems and stole information about artificial intelligence technologies The New York Times claims that OpenAI reported the incident to employees, but not to the public or law enforcement.

The hacker managed to steal information from discussions on an online forum of OpenAI employees, where they talked about the latest technologies. Luckily for the company, the hacker did not manage to break into the systems where GPT models are hosted and trained.

The publication’s unnamed sources say that some employees have expressed concern that such attacks could benefit China and other similar countries and jeopardize U.S. national security. Employees are concerned about how seriously OpenAI takes security. They say that there are disagreements among the company’s staff about the security risks of artificial intelligence.

In connection with this incident, former OpenAI technical program manager Leopold Aschenbrenner wrote a memo to the board saying that the company was not doing enough to stop foreign adversaries from stealing secrets. OpenAI subsequently fired him for leaking information outside the company — he claims that this dismissal was politically motivated.

Disagreements over security are not the first time the company’s employees have experienced them. Recently, several security researchers left the company due to disagreements over management practices super-intelligent artificial intelligence.

According to OpenAI’s competitor, Daniela Amodei, co-founder of Anthropic, if the latest developments in generative artificial intelligence were stolen, it would not pose a major threat to national security. However, as this technology becomes more developed, this may change.

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