News News 05-24-2024 at 17:08 comment views icon
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Pope prepares to canonize web developer-«patron saint of the Internet»

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Igor Sheludchenko

News writer

Pope Francis has officially attributed the second miracle to website developer Carlo Asutis, who died at the age of 15 from leukemia.

He is known to the general public primarily as the author of a website with a list of Eucharistic miracles and a list of apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary approved by the Catholic Church.

After the second miracle is attributed, the procedure for sainthood should officially begin, tells us Insider.

The canonization takes place after two miracles that are associated with prayers addressed to a person after his death.

  • The first miracle. A Brazilian boy with a pancreatic defect from birth was healed after praying to Akoutis.
  • The second miracle. A girl from Costa Rica was in an accident, and doctors were sure she would not survive. Her mother prayed at the tomb of Asutis in Italy, and as a result, her daughter soon recovered.

Carlo Acutis was born in 1991 in the UK and raised in Italy. He is sometimes referred to as «God’s influencer» and «the patron saint of the internet».

His faith had two special virtues — love for the Eucharist, which Carlo received daily, and for the poor, whom he always tried to help, volunteering at a soup kitchen run by the Franciscan Friars.

He learned about leukemia two months before his death. His disease was acute and developed very quickly.

In 2023, a full-length film dedicated to the life story of Carlo Asutis is to be released, Acutis Game, a computer game, was also created.

Carlo Acutis became the first representative of the «millennial» generation to be canonized by the RCC. It is unknown when the canonization will take place.

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