News Military Tech 05-17-2024 at 16:50 comment views icon

Six Amber-1800 radars heading to Ukraine — «missile detector» with a range of 400 km

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Andrii Rusanov

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Six Amber-1800 radars heading to Ukraine — «missile detector» with a range of 400 km

Six Amber-1800 radar stations with a range of up to 400 km, as announced by German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius. Lithuania participates in the German IAAD initiative, which aims to strengthen Ukraine’s air defense. Details and terms of the delivery were not disclosed.

Radars Amber-1800 — Lithuanian-Ukrainian technology, they are manufactured by Altimus-tech, which previously had the interesting name LiTak-Tak. The company was founded by the founders of the Ukrainian enterprise «Aerotechnika-MLT». The station was first shown in 2014.


The Amber-1800 ground-based mobile radar station operates in the VHF (140-180 MHz) band. It automatically detects the range and azimuth of air targets and calculates their trajectory. The system consists of a hardware cabin with equipment and a wheeled platform carrying an antenna complex, electrical equipment and a deployment system. The detection of objects by the station depends on height and power. For 8 kW, 10 kW and 30 kW, the range is as follows:

  • H = 100 m — 30 km / 33 km / 46 km
  • H = 500 m — 60 km / 69 km / 93 km
  • H = 1 km — 70 km / 81 km / 108 km
  • H = 3 km — 110 km / 122 km / 170 km
  • H = 10 km — 300 km / 360 km / 400 km

The system is well known in Ukraine. «Aerotechnika-MLT» produces these radars, mounted on KrAZ trucks or semi-trailers, under the name «Burshtyn-1800». In 2019, the radars were tested in Ukraine at a test site in the Kherson region.

Source: Military

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