News News 05-23-2024 at 13:40 comment views icon
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The Ministry of Defense announced the cost of development «Reserve+»: it is money from a charitable foundation

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Igor Sheludchenko

News writer

Several teams worked on the «Reserve+» app, and $86,000 for development came from a charity fund.

About it said Deputy Defense Minister Kateryna Chernogorenko in an interview with Forbes.

However, the cost of work may increase as the application still needs to be finalized.

«We can’t say that we saved on anything here. The cost of one hour of developer work can vary greatly. But the application will need to be developed, so it is possible that the cost will increase with the increase in functionality,», she emphasized.

According to her, several teams worked on the app:

  • frontenders;
  • teams that were synchronized with registers and ready to «Alert» withstand the load;
  • internal teams of the Ministry of Defense and other ministries, such as the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Why did the developers use the «Dream» app templates?

Previously, there was information that «Reserve+» had traces of the school application «Dream». They even showed lines of code with the text «homework» or «tell your child that you can now».

But, according to the official, these are small non-functional mentions that do not relate to the main functionality. At the same time, it was an intermediate version, and there is no code «Dreams» in «Reserve+».

«I do not see any risks in using patterns from another government application when it does not affect users or the security of the service. We spent a lot of time protecting Reserve+ because we realized that it would be a target for the enemy,» the Deputy Minister summarized.

It is worth noting that recently mobile application of the Ministry of Defense Reserve+, in which persons liable for military service, conscripts, and reservists can update their data online and not have to go to an ASC or TCC.

On May 18, the law came into force updated Law on mobilization— from this day on, all men aged 18-60 must update their account information within 60 days (until July 16 inclusive).

In Ukraine, as of May 10, slightly less than 4,050 IT specialists have a valid reservation. In addition to the 4,050 IT professionals, about 1,300 are still waiting for a decision (this number includes those who have applied for re-booking).

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