News News 04-09-2024 at 15:42 comment views icon
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The programmer returned from the Czech Republic to Russia, threw $150 to Navalny’s fund, put up leaflets and went to jail for 7 years

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Igor Sheludchenko

News writer

After 5 years of living in the Czech Republic, Russian programmer Alexei Malyarevsky had a fight with his girlfriend and decided to return to Russia.

But his return was not the most successful — now he will spend the next 7 years in a penal colony, tells us Mediaphone.

At the same time, a friend of Malyarevsky’s said that he «I was interested in politics, but usually it did not go beyond discussions in chats and in life».

On September 1, 2023, Malyarevsky himself came to Manezhnaya Square with a poster «Freedom to Navalny, Freedom to Political Prisoners».

The programmer returned from the Czech Republic to Russia, threw $150 to Navalny's fund, put up leaflets and went to jail for 7 years

He was quickly detained, but released without a protocol. Then the guy said it was his first such action.

Then he glued the postcards — a template sent to him by Navalny’s «Team». He printed them out on his printer, pasted them on his house in Moscow, and took a picture. A report on this can be found see in the Telegram channel «Navalny’s teams».

In addition, the programmer also donated $150 to the organization «Anti-Corruption Fund» (also created by Navalny).

A source familiar with the case told «Mediazone» that the programmer was beaten during the search and gave passwords to all his devices. The court mentioned that the Telegram app with subscriptions to oppositionists was found on Malyarevsky’s phone.

According to the source of «Mediazone», the prosecutor accused the programmer of donating money to the opposition, not to the elderly and orphans.

As a result, the Dolgoprudnya City Court sentenced the 29-year-old programmer to seven years in a general regime colony for participating in an extremist community (Article 282.1, paragraph 2, of the Criminal Code) and financing extremism (Article 282.3, paragraph 1, of the Criminal Code).

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