News Military Tech 07-29-2024 at 13:59 comment views icon

Ukrainian shield for the American M2 Bradley BMP — serial production of drone protection starts

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Andrii Rusanov

News writer

Ukrainian shield for the American M2 Bradley BMP — serial production of drone protection starts

Metinvest «has completed testing of a new integrated protection system for M2 Bradley infantry fighting vehicles of the Ukrainian Defense Forces against Russian drone attacks.

The new sliding shield for «Bradley» has been successfully tested in recent days. This was announced by Alexander Mironenko, Chief Operating Officer of «Metinvest». According to him, the steel company is now starting mass production of the armor. The company is part of the «Steel Front» initiative and has also developed steel protective frames for M1 Abrams tanks and other military equipment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

«Drones are currently the biggest danger to tanks and any armored vehicles used by the Ukrainian army. FPVs can immobilize a tank and make it an easy target for further hits. The screens for M1 Abrams have proven themselves in combat, protecting both crews and tanks. It became clear that M2 Bradley fighting vehicles could benefit from this increased protection, as they are also vulnerable to enemy drones,» Myronenko said.

Українські БМП M2 Bradley захистили від дронів — стартує серійне виробництво екранів

According to him, the project for M2 Bradley was more complicated: «They needed a special design for the mobile screen — the screen had to be redesigned so that it could slide back and forth from the top to the side of the vehicle, depending on the combat situation».

The American M1 Abrams and M2 Bradley combat vehicles are the primary targets for Russian weapons. «Bradley» have proven themselves in combat where saved many lives Ukrainian military. The Russians fear the M2 Bradley and avoid direct clashes with them. According to Newsweek, which relies on Pentagon data, the United States has provided Ukraine with 31 Abrams tanks and more than 300 Bradleys.

Source: Newsweek

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