Military Tech News 05-30-2024 at 11:54 comment views icon
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Ukrainian developers have created a «Tank» — complex for evacuating wounded from the battlefield

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Igor Sheludchenko

News writer

Ukrainian developers have created «Tankchik» —, a new ground-based robotic system for evacuating and logistics of the wounded from the battlefield.As the editorial board was informed, this advanced complex was created to ensure maximum safety and efficiency during rescue operations in combat zones.Above «Tank»

3 people worked there:

  • Alexei Rudnev is an ideological leader;
  • Oleksandr is a design engineer;
  • Volodymyr is a mechanic.

Main features and benefits

  1. Autonomy and remote control:
    • «Tank» can operate both autonomously, using the built-in artificial intelligence system, and under the control of an operator from a distance. This provides flexibility and the ability to adapt to different conditions on the battlefield.
  2. High cross-country ability:
    • Thanks to an advanced track system, the «Tank» is able to travel over a variety of terrain, including difficult and dangerous areas where traditional vehicles cannot pass.
  3. Capacity and adaptability:
    • The complex can transport up to two wounded at a time, ensuring their safety and comfort during evacuation. It can also be quickly converted to transport medical supplies and equipment.
  4. Energy efficiency:
    • Thanks to the use of modern energy-saving technologies, the «Tanker» has a long battery life, which allows it to perform long missions without the need for frequent recharging.

Ukrainian developers have created a «Tank» — complex for evacuating wounded from the battlefield

«The tank» has been tested under the following conditions close to combat actions, where it demonstrated its efficiency and reliability


The developers said that they plan to improve «Tankchik», expanding its functionality and increasing its autonomy

«Our goal is to provide military units with the most modern means to save lives in the most difficult conditions,» they emphasized

Earlier, as part of the defense-tech cluster Brave1 was created FoxTac is a remote-controlled transporter for evacuating wounded from the battlefield.


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