News Movie 06-04-2024 at 10:11 comment views icon

Amazon is filming a series adaptation of Like a Dragon: Yakuza — the first season will be released on Prime Video on October 25

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Kateryna Danshyna

News writer

Amazon is filming a series adaptation of Like a Dragon: Yakuza — the first season will be released on Prime Video on October 25

It turns out that Amazon works is working on the adaptation of the SEGA game franchise Like a Dragon: Yakuza and is preparing to release the finished product this fall.

Like a Dragon: Yakuza is directed by Take Masaharu («Love for 100 Yen») and Takimoto Kengo («Kamen Rider») and stars Ryoma Takeuchi («Kamen Rider»). The project was written by Sean Crouch, Nakamura Yugo, Yoshida Yasuhiro, and Yamada Kana.

The series will be added to Amazon Prime Video in two batches of three episodes: the first will be released on October 25, and the second on November 1. Like a Dragon: Yakuza will be available in subtitled and dubbed versions in 30 languages.

The plot of Like a Dragon: Yakuza will cover two periods of time (1995 and 2005) and will tell the story of a warrior from a yakuza family with a strong sense of justice, duty and humanity.

Yakuza: Like a Dragon is a series of computer role-playing games published by SEGA that shows the lives of «fierce but passionate gangsters» from the huge Kamurocho entertainment district and showcases modern Japan and the dramatic stories of such vivid characters as Kazuma Kiryu.

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