News Movie 06-23-2024 at 13:48 comment views icon

«Avengers 5» by Marvel — Benedict Cumberbatch hinted that Dr. Strange will return

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Andrii Rusanov

News writer

«Avengers 5» by Marvel — Benedict Cumberbatch hinted that Dr. Strange will return

Benedict Cumberbatch has hinted at details about Dr. Strange’s participation in the upcoming «Avengers» Marvel movie. During an interview with Netflix, the actor mentioned that his character could participate in «Avengers 5» in a certain capacity.

Cumberbatch talked about his artistic approach to some of his most popular roles. In particular, he touched upon the embodiment of Sherlock Holmes in the BBC series, the dragon Smaug in The Hobbit» and Doctor Strange in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

«I’ve had a very great relationship with this [Marvel] since [accepting the role]. I’m really looking forward to next year’s Avengers, which is brewing up a storm,— Cumberbatch said.

There are several conclusions that can be drawn from this statement. First, it is a confirmation of Strange’s possible return to Marvel movies — it was reported that more than 60 MCU characters may return in «Avengers 5». Secondly, it could mean that production on «Avengers 5» is still scheduled to begin next year, despite some creative differences.

Elsewhere in the interview, Benedict Cumberbatch revealed how he might not have played Doctor Strange due to a scheduling conflict related to the theatrical production of «Hamlet». Luckily, Marvel moved the filming to fit the actor’s schedule. Cumberbatch also thanked his role as a superhero for opening the door to exploring other roles that were not intended for a mass audience.

«The joy of this role is enormous, but it also means that I can help create less commercial ones. So he [Dr. Strange] is in many ways a gift in my life as a producer and as an actor. I love playing him. He’s a lot of fun,” Cumberbatch says.

The actor first became a superhero in the movie «Doctor Strange» in 2016. Since then, he has appeared in several other Marvel films: «Avengers: Infinity War», «Avengers: Endgame», «Dr. Strange in the Inhumans Multiverse» and «Spider-Man: No Way Home».

The new «Avengers» was originally known as «Avengers: Kang Dynasty». Since then, the film has been called «Avengers 5» after Marvel announced that it had ended its relationship with Kang’s actor Jonathan Majors — after he was found guilty on assault and harassment charges on December 18. It is unofficially known that the film may be directed by Shawn Levy («Deadpool and Wolverine»). The release of «Avengers 5» is scheduled for May 1, 2026.

Source: IGN

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