News Software 07-25-2024 at 10:16 comment views icon

«Diia» allows you to send complaints about poor connection — even offline

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Andrii Rusanov

News writer

«Diia» allows you to send complaints about poor connection — even offline

The Minister of Digital Transformation Mykhailo Fedorov announced the possibility to report the lack of connection in the «Diia» app. It will work even when offline.

«Later, you can report connection issues in «Diia» even when you’re offline. When the connection is restored, the information will be updated. We will analyze the feedback and work on stabilizing the connection further».

Mr. Fedorov also spoke about the measures planned to establish communication during blackouts. The following steps have already been taken:

  • The National Center for Operational and Technical Management of Telecommunications Networks (NCM) has updated the requirements for mobile operators. They must provide 25% of their network with generators to operate for more than 72 hours. The rest of the network must run on rechargeable batteries for 10 hours.
  • Increased inspections of operators’ compliance with state requirements. They will report quarterly on the network operation to the NCC and will be inspected by the National Commission for the Regulation of Electronic Communications (NCREC).
  • Telecom operators will be able to apply to Oblenergos for modernization of the equipment of the institution that powers the base stations. «This will allow for faster battery charging».

The Ministry has agreed on a list of facilities that must have uninterrupted power supply, which will be transferred to Oblenergos through the TSO. Parliament abolished duties and VAT on imports of batteries and generators.

The Ministry of Digital Transformation is also working on reservations for members of the military who are liable for military service to join the repair teams. After shelling, blackouts, or damage to base stations, they are the ones who restore the grid, and therefore must remain at their jobs.

Source: Mikhail Fedorov

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