News Auto 06-21-2024 at 13:54 comment views icon

Firefighters rescued a child from a Tesla — the battery was dead and the doors would not open

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Andrii Rusanov

News writer

Firefighters rescued a child from a Tesla — the battery was dead and the doors would not open

Firefighters in Scottsdale, Arizona, USA, rescued a toddler from a locked Tesla after the car’s battery died. Renee Sanchez said Arizona’s On Your Sidewho was planning to take her 20-month-old granddaughter to the Phoenix Zoo when the incident occurred. The electric car’s battery ran out after she closed the door behind her granddaughter and walked around the car to get into the front seat.

«I couldn’t get in. My phone key wouldn’t open the door. My key card didn’t open the door,», — Sanchez says.

She eventually called 911 operators, who dispatched Scottsdale firefighters to the scene. Upon arrival, firefighters told Sanchez that they often had difficulty getting inside the locked Tesla. Eventually, they broke the glass with an axe and rescued the child.

Numerous Tesla owners found themselves in dangerous situationsincluding being trapped inside their electric vehicles after they lost power. There are several ways to open the doors when the car is completely de-energized, but many Tesla owners are unaware of these safety features. One of the key safety features is the unlock lever on both the driver’s and passenger’s doors, which manually opens the doors. However, this option is hardly available when you are 20 months old.

In April, the ticker stuck in her Tesla for 40 minutes during a software update while she was standing in the sun. She said the temperature in the car jumped to 46°C while the software was updating. We remind you that leaving children or animals locked in a car during the summer heat is deadly.

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