News Games 07-02-2024 at 17:17 comment views icon

«Insulting Japanese culture»: petition to cancel Assassin’s Creed Shadows is rapidly gaining votes

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Andrii Rusanov

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«Insulting Japanese culture»: petition to cancel Assassin’s Creed Shadows is rapidly gaining votes

Ever since Ubisoft first revealed Assassin’s Creed Shadows, the game has been facing an increasing amount of backlash from the Japanese. Many have expressed disappointment with the representation of the country and its culture in Assassin’s Creed, and now the discontent has been formalized into a petition on, which requires Ubisoft to cancel the game.

So far, the petition has gathered more than 28,000 signatures, almost half of which were signed during the day. Here is the text of the petition:

«Serious questions have recently been raised about the historical accuracy and lack of cultural respect in the upcoming release of game developer Ubisoft’s — Assassin’s Creed Shadows. The game is based on the history of the Japanese samurai and ignores the fact that samurai are the highest rank of the samurai class and are supposed to be servants of the nobility. In fact, the first European to be honored with the title of samurai, William Adams (Miura Anobori), was a standard bearer with 250 koku and was in the service of Tokugawa Ieyasu. Throughout this story, Ubisoft continues to misunderstand the nature and role of the samurai. This is a serious insult to Japanese culture and history and may be linked to racism. We call on Ubisoft to immediately halt the launch of Assassin’s Creed Shadows and conduct a serious investigation and show respect for Japanese history and culture. We need your signature. Sign this petition to show Ubisoft the importance of cultural respect and historical accuracy».

The petition was launched on June 19, and it is constantly gaining popularity. Ubisoft has not yet commented on the issue, but previously stated that the game was developed using the experience of its studios in Tokyo and Osaka.

Source: GameReactor

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