News Ukraine 07-15-2024 at 16:59 comment views icon

July 16 deadline: what awaits those liable for military service who have not updated their data?

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Ihor Panchenko

News writer

July 16 deadline: what awaits those liable for military service who have not updated their data?

On July 16, the deadline for persons liable for military service to update their data expires. This applies to men aged 18-60 and certain categories of women. Updates can be made through the TCC, ASC or the «Reserve+» application.

According to the Ministry of Defense, as of July 14, 2024, the number of updates reached more than 4 000 000. Kateryna Chornohorenko, Deputy Minister of Defense for Digital Development, wrote on her Facebook page that 2.7 million people have updated their data through Reserve+. Although the exact number of people liable for military service is unknown due to the lack of an up-to-date census, the estimated number is 10.6 million.

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Procedure after data update

Most citizens updated their information through «Reserve+». However, this does not exempt them from the need to undergo a military medical commission (MMC). Fedir Venislavskyi, MP from «Servant of the People» and member of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on National Security, notes that those who updated their data without a delay or reservation may receive a summons to undergo a military medical examination.

Innovations in the mobilization process

The Cabinet of Ministers has introduced centralized printing and mailing of summonses. This should speed up the process and make it more automated. Failure to appear at the VLC will result in a fine of UAH 17,000 to 25,000, and failure to appear at the TCC after the VLC without valid reasons will result in criminal liability.

Consequences for those who have not updated their data

Persons liable for military service who have not updated their information by July 16 risk a fine and restriction of their driving privileges. Lawyers explain that the restriction is imposed through a court, and you can find out about the deprivation of the right to drive through the «Дія» app or during an inspection.

In case of non-payment of the fine, bank accounts may be blocked. If the debt exceeds UAH 150,000, the debtor’s property may be put up for auction. However, some property, such as wheelchairs, is not subject to confiscation. We wrote about how to check whether you are on the list of debtors here.

Prospects for mass inspections

Although there have been no official statements about intensified checks, the updated data of persons liable for military service is now displayed in a QR code. This may facilitate the process of checks on the streets. However, it is important to remember that only police officers, not representatives of the TCC, have the right to detain citizens and bring them to military registration and enlistment offices.

The work of ASCs in recent days

Kyiv City Administration said on the maximum mobilization of ASC resources to serve visitors. Nevertheless, due to the heavy load, it is recommended to use the «Reserve+» application to update data.

Source: BBC, Public

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