News Games 05-20-2024 at 22:41 comment views icon

Microsoft is introducing Copilot in Minecraft and other games — what it could mean

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Andrii Rusanov

News writer

Microsoft is introducing Copilot in Minecraft and other games — what it could mean

During the Surface and AI event, Microsoft demonstrated the integration of Copilot into games using Minecraft as an example. Players will be able to use natural language to ask questions such as «How do I create a sword?». Copilot will search for the necessary materials in chests and inventory or outside if they are not available. It will also explain how to create an item, etc. without having to quit the game and search for information on websites.

Having a convenient way to ask in-game how to kill a boss or find secrets in a location can fundamentally change the way we create and play games. It will also reduce the need for websites, traditional forums, and chat rooms like Discord.

The innovation may also affect the balance in games. The World of Warcraft development team has spent a lot of effort balancing the game’s addon APIs. Many of them allow players to create modifications to automate certain game mechanics. AI can step into this part and make games easier or unbalanced through light assistance.

Websites and databases may find it harder to finance their operations in this new world. This, in turn, may negatively affect the quality of information obtained from these platforms. This could result in a downward spiral and what some artificial intelligence theorists describe as a «model» collapse, where artificial intelligence no longer obtains accurate information.

It is important to note that there are no specific plans to implement Copilot in games in the near future, Microsoft has only announced the possibility.

Source: Windows Central

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