News Software 07-17-2024 at 17:09 comment views icon

Mobile operators must provide 10 hours of network operation without power — State Service of Special Communications

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Vadym Karpus

News writer

The State Service for Special Communications and Information Protection of Ukraine (SSSCIP) has ordered mobile operators to increase the battery life of their equipment during power outages. About it says in the Order of the National Center for Operational and Technical Management of Telecommunications Networks of July 15.

Currently, stabilization and emergency power outages continue in many regions of Ukraine. During the outages, subscribers’ communication quality deteriorates rather quickly, and in many cases, they lose the ability to use mobile communications, including the Internet and voice calls.

In the past, telecom operators were required to provide at least 4 hours of communication to their subscribers. However, the problem is that during the few hours when the power supply is restored, the operators’ equipment does not have time to fully recharge. Therefore, after the next power outage, the connection quickly deteriorates and disappears again.

The new regulation requires operators to ensure uninterrupted network operation and maintain communication for at least 10 hours. Operators will have to ensure such autonomy by February 1, 2025, by gradually introducing the necessary backup power sources at base stations.

Mobile operators have to fulfill the requirement within the following timeframe:

  • by October 1, — 60% of base stations in each region should be provided with appropriate backup power sources
  • by November 1, — 70% of base stations in each region
  • by December 1, — 80% of base stations in each region
  • by February 1 — all 100% of base stations must provide 10 hours of continuous communication.

Additionally, it is noted that by December 1, 2024, at least 25% of base stations must be able to operate for up to 72 hours in the absence of power supply. In the event of a prolonged blackout, these stations will provide a kind of “islands of communication” where it will be possible to connect to the network if necessary.

At the same time, there are requirements to provide communications for emergency services, critical infrastructure and large network infrastructure nodes for up to 72 hours.

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