News Military Tech 06-18-2024 at 07:00 comment views icon

Rheinmetall presents SkyRanger 35 air defense systems on Leopard 2 chassis — Ukraine will receive them on a different tank platform

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Andrii Rusanov

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Rheinmetall presents SkyRanger 35 air defense systems on Leopard 2 chassis — Ukraine will receive them on a different tank platform

German defense concern Rheinmetall presented the SkyRanger 35 anti-aircraft system on a tank chassis at the Parisian arms exhibition Eurosatory 2024 Leopard 2as reported by «Military». In previous versions, the air defense system’s combat unit was mounted on the original Boxer armored chassis.

The tank platform allows the SkyRanger 35 to traverse difficult terrain together with other tanks and heavy tracked armored vehicles, making the system a full-fledged combat air defense system. The more robust chassis will also support additional equipment that can improve target detection and surveillance, as well as additional ammunition.

The SkyRanger 35 has a 35 mm GDM-008 cannon capable of firing 1000 rounds per minute. The turret allows for the optional installation of two Mistral or Stinger missiles. The ammunition consists of 252 rounds, which are available in different nomenclature, including radio fuzed rounds. The system detects small targets using AMMR radar, five antennas «see» space for 360 degrees. Additionally, there is a passive FIRST detection system. The main target of the system is attack or reconnaissance drones.

Rheinmetall представив системи ППО SkyRanger 35 на шасі Leopard 2 — Україна отримає їх на іншій танковій платформі

Website Defense Express notes that the Leopard 2 chassis is in short supply and it is unlikely that there will be many such units. Rheinmetall’s capacity to produce new chassis is also limited. An example is the contract for Leopard 2 training vehicles for the Bundeswehr, which was postponed to 2026-2029.

Image Bild, whose correspondents visited Rheinmetall’s secret repair plant, learned about the company’s ability to install the SkyRanger 35 turret on the platforms of Leopard 1 tanks.

Rheinmetall представив системи ППО SkyRanger 35 на шасі Leopard 2 — Україна отримає їх на іншій танковій платформі

«We plan to stay in Ukraine in the long term. We are not just delivering equipment and then withdrawing, we are showing that we will be there permanently and will support Ukraine. And we have further plans, including a heavily armored version of the Skyranger air defense system for Ukraine. There are still many Leopard 1 main battle tanks on whose chassis we could mount a Skyranger turret with a 35 mm automatic cannon,» says Björn Bernhard, Head of Ground Systems at Rheinmetall.

The concern is currently repairing heavy armored vehicles in Ukraine, including Leopard 1 tanks and Lynx infantry fighting vehicles, which the plant can repair after damage to the chassis caused by a mine in three weeks. In the future, Rheinmetall will also manufacture a new Lynx infantry fighting vehicle in Ukraine and build an ammunition plant.

Rheinmetall представив системи ППО SkyRanger 35 на шасі Leopard 2 — Україна отримає їх на іншій танковій платформі

Thus, Ukraine’s prospects of receiving SkyRanger 35 air defense systems on the Leopard 2 chassis are minimal, but the same systems based on Leopard 1 are quite realistic. Moreover, they can be manufactured in Ukraine. In addition, Rheinmetall has a wide range of weapons, including the GMARS — analog of HIMARS and M270 MLRS presented at Eurosatory 2024.

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