News News 05-22-2024 at 11:59 comment views icon
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Ukrainian developers have shown a universal robotic platform for demining «Solomandra»

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Igor Sheludchenko

News writer

Temerland has tested the «Solomandra» robotic platform, which is designed to help with demining.

About reported Military.

In particular, the platform should neutralize anti-personnel mines.

The complex has four wheels and is controlled by an operator who must keep a safe distance.

An anti-mine system is mounted on the front to follow the curves of the landscape and activate anti-personnel mines.

«Solomandra» — is essentially a low-cost robotic platform that would not be a pity to lose. It should be used as a consumable for clearing the territory of anti-personnel mines.

The Ukrainian company Temerland has long been developing unmanned robotic systems and platforms and modernizing vehicles into unmanned ground systems.

The developers have stated that «Iron Caterpillar» is capable of pulling a cart with ammunition, medicines or a cart with the wounded and undermining enemy positions.

«The Iron Caterpillar can be a kamikaze and quietly deliver explosives to the enemy’s rear and explode there,» the company said.

According to the developers’ website, Temerland is a project of a Ukrainian company to develop unmanned robotic systems and platforms, and to modernize vehicles into unmanned ground systems.

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