News Software 06-20-2024 at 11:38 comment views icon

Up to 100 messages as one — Viber has launched a feature «chat summary» based on OpenAI technology

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Kateryna Danshyna

News writer

A new feature in Viber will allow you not to read dozens of messages in group chats, but simply view the summary.

The feature is powered by OpenAI artificial intelligence. Since April, chat summaries have been available on Viber for 10% of users as a test, and from today it is available for everyone in a free version.

The technology can currently analyze from 5 to 100 unread messages in group chats, extracting key information from them in a single message. The company provided an example using a hypothetical chat between the neighbors Kaidashy from Ivan Nechuy-Levytsky’s novel:

До 100 повідомлень, як одне — у Viber запустили функцію «стислий виклад чату» на основі технології OpenAI

Other new features include group chats:

  • Pinned messages (to pin a message: tap and hold the message → select «Pin»);
  • Search in a chat (click on the name of the selected chat → select «Search in the chat»);
  • Disappearing notifications (to enable: press plus → select «Discount messages» → select how long the message will remain visible → enter a message, and then tap «Send»).


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