Ukraine News 05-22-2024 at 14:08 comment views icon
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The Rada proposed an alternative to reservation — labor military service for business and IT

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Igor Sheludchenko

News writer

The Verkhovna Rada proposed an alternative to reservation and economic reservation — economic mobilization.

About it it says according to the press service of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.

The announcement concerned the introduction of the so-called economic reservation — enabling the employer to independently identify employees strategically important for maintaining the business, pay UAH 20,000 per month of military duty for each of them, and continue to work.

«If there is no business with its taxes, there will be nothing to support our defenders. This may be an unpleasant but obvious truth for some. But, once again, let the business decide for itself which of its employees is strategic», — said Dmytro Natalukha, Chairman of the Committee on Economic Development.

Another proposal was made by Ihor Marchuk, chairman of the Subcommittee on State-Business Interaction and Investment.

According to Ihor Marchuk, economic mobilization – is when a business uses its resources to provide the necessary services and perform work through the mechanism of labor military service

These include such areas as procurement, logistics, procurement management, medical services, equipment repair, IT, fortification construction, consumer services, office management, HR, etc.

«Along with economic reservation, economic mobilization can serve as a partial alternative… …The military personnel released as a result can perform other, more important and specific tasks. We have to realize and recognize that the state has no funds of its own, and all the funds available to the state are taxpayers’ funds. The only source of these funds available to us is a functioning economy!” the politician said.

It should be noted that the government and parliament have been considering the adoption of economic mobilization for quite some time.

The last time echoed information on two possible models of economic mobilization.

  1. The first model — the amount of taxes on the salary of a person liable for military service should be 35 thousand hryvnias, which is enough to support one soldier.
  2. The second model is a quota per enterprise for persons liable for military service.

Prior to that, MPs offered businesses to pay the military fee for each employee according to the formula of 1.5% of the salary + a fixed rate of UAH 20 thousand per month.

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