News Science and space 07-16-2024 at 10:36 comment views icon

A 100-meter cave found on the Moon that could be a home for people

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Ihor Panchenko

News writer

A group of researchers has for the first time recorded the presence of a huge cave on the Moon. With a depth of at least 100 meters, it could be an ideal place to create a permanent base for humanity on the Earth’s satellite.

Lorenzo Bruzzone and Leonardo Carrer, scientists from the University of Trento in Italy, discovered the cave using radar that was examining a hole in the rocky plain of the Sea of TranquilityA 100-meter cave found on the Moon that could be a home for peopleA 100-meter cave found on the Moon that could be a home for peopleThe Sea of Tranquility (Latin: Mare Tranquillitatis) is a large lunar plain located on the near side of the Moon. It is one of the many lunar seas, which are actually large basins filled with basaltic lava.. This place, clearly visible from Earth, is also known as the landing site of «Apollo 11»A 100-meter cave found on the Moon that could be a home for peopleA 100-meter cave found on the Moon that could be a home for people«Apollo 11» — is the space mission that landed humans on the Moon for the first time in human history. The mission was part of the U.S. space program «Apollo» and was carried out by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). in 1969.

На Місяці знайшли 100-метрову печеру, яка може бути домом для людей

The cave has a «window» on the lunar surface that leads to vertical and overhanging walls, as well as a sloping floor that may extend further below the surface. It was formed millions or billions of years ago when lava flowed across the moon, creating a tunnel in the rock.

Helen Sharman, the first British astronaut, appreciated the potential of the newly discovered cave: «This cave looks like a great place for a base. People could potentially live in lunar caves in 20-30 years». However, she added a caveat: «This particular cave is so deep that astronauts may have to descend by ropes and use jetpacks or an elevator to get out».

Francesco Sauro, coordinator of the European Space Agency’s «Planetary Caves» thematic group, emphasized the significance of the discovery: «We have very high quality images of the surface — with a resolution of up to 25 cm. We can see the Apollo landing sites, but we know nothing about what lies beneath the surface. There are huge opportunities for discovery here».

Scientists emphasize that the cave can not only become a home for people, but also help answer fundamental questions about the history of the Moon and our solar system. The rocks inside the cave have not been so affected by space weather, so they can provide a detailed geological record spanning billions of years.

«After all, life on Earth began in caves, so it makes sense that people could live in them on the Moon,» said Professor Carrer.

Results of the study published in the scientific journal Nature Astronomy.

Source: BBC

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