News Software 06-12-2024 at 11:57 comment views icon

«China may put pressure». Ukraine demands to ban TikTok

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Andrii Rusanov

News writer

On the website «Electronic petitions» Cabinet of Ministers registered a proposal to ban TikTok in Ukraine. Among the main reasons for the need to block the social network are China’s control over it, which helps Russia in its war with Ukraine, and the ease with which disinformation is spread on it.

The petition states that the popular user-generated video service TikTok is owned by the Chinese company ByteDance. Chinese law does not protect private information — on the contrary, the state has the right to use it in the interests of «national security». «China openly cooperates and assists Russia in the war against Ukraine», and the information provided by Ukrainians can be used for espionage against Ukraine in favor of Russia.

Through its influence on the company, the Chinese authorities may put pressure on TikTok to form disinformation for the population of Ukraineand to distort the perception of Ukraine in other countries. The social network is known to censor Ukrainian videos and information about the Russian-Ukrainian war. The presence of a Russian propaganda network on TikTok indicates that it is tolerated by the social network.

The Pentagon claims that China has been using its cyber capabilities for many years to obtain confidential information from US government, private and industrial institutions. China is cooperating with Russia, which also conducts malicious cyber activities and uses them as an important component of its military strategy, in particular against Ukraine. Blocking TikTok should hinder the hostile cyber activities of both countries.

Currently, the United States has lawAccording to the agreement, ByteDance must either sell TikTok within six months or the service will be banned. The company has so far rejected the possibility of selling and is trying to to influence public opinion and officials. In addition, TikTok is banned in government agencies and at the level of individual states.

Also, TikTok does nothing about open disinformation, which was confirmed by experiments conducted by Global Witness researchers during the recent European Parliament elections. Unlike other social networks, TikTok did not reject any of the 16 false ads.

The petition demands that TikTok be blocked on the territory of Ukraine and that the app be banned from use on the phones of the military, civil servants and other persons involved in the security of the state. The petition has already been signed by over 9200 Ukrainian citizens.

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