News Software 07-24-2024 at 14:18 comment views icon

Defense Ministry top manager: the app «Army+» is 85% ready, and the electronic summons — this is «a horror story from Rusni»

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Ihor Panchenko

News writer

Defense Ministry top manager: the app «Army+» is 85% ready, and the electronic summons — this is «a horror story from Rusni»

Electronic subpoenas are not currently planned in «Reserve+», as they will not be a «miracle solution».

Artem Romaniukov, Head of the Digital Transformation Directorate at the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, said about the development of the «Army+» app and other digital innovations in the department. Here’s a brief recap.

The Ministry of Defense of Ukraine is preparing to launch a new application «Army+», which is to become the first electronic service for military personnel. According to Romaniukov, the app will allow the military to submit reports electronically and will have a military ID function. Despite numerous regulatory and security challenges, the Directorate’s team plans to implement «Army+» for the entire army at once.

«We want to introduce it in the entire army at once. And if it fails, we will arrange testing in a limited number of units,» Romaniukov said.

One of the main challenges in developing the app was the need to comply with security requirements. For example, the developers could not use a drop-down list of all teams, as this information is classified «secret».

Romaniukov emphasized that at the first stage, electronic reports will not completely replace paper reports:

«With this release, we are not aiming to completely bury paper reports, but simply provide an opportunity to replace them with electronic ones».

In addition to «Army+», the Directorate is working on the digitalization of other areas of the Ministry of Defense, including social issues, logistics, and medical support.

Топменеджер Міноборони: застосунок «Армія+» готовий на 85 %, а електронна повістка — це «жахастик від русні»

Regarding the «Reserve+» app, Romaniukov explained why the resolution regulating its operation has limited access:

«Unfortunately, this was a necessary measure, because during the war, the documents regulating the procedure for maintaining the register of persons liable for military service, conscripts and reservists “Oberig” cannot be made public».

However, he assured that the team is working to make some of this information public.«There are many legal, rule-making, technical tricks, but we are not omnipotent and cannot break the law».

Romaniukov also dispelled rumors about the possible introduction of electronic subpoenas:

«I don’t have this functionality in my backlog, and I have not been given such orders. I understand that the story is sensitive: the electronic summons is a big scary story. It was not blown out of proportion by Russians who said “you will all be driven to a digital concentration camp, everyone will be drafted.”»

Finally, the head of the directorate addressed future users of «Army+”:

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