News Games 06-16-2024 at 20:29 comment views icon

Dragon Age: The Veilguard is similar to Mass Effect and Final Fantasy, but is more of an RPG — game creators

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Andrii Rusanov

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Dragon Age: The Veilguard is similar to Mass Effect and Final Fantasy, but is more of an RPG — game creators

When asked if Dragon Age: The Veilguard will be an open-world game, game director Corinne Boucher replied: «We’ve gone back to what we believe delivers the best, most controllable and rich storytelling». Boucher characterizes the new Dragon Age as mission-based — but players can go back and revisit areas. «You can go back to solve mysteries». The Veilguard’s creative director John Epler added that anything other than handcrafted quests would be a disservice to the game.

«We spent a lot of time listening to what everyone had to say. Of course, there are slightly different tastes, but you won’t be forced to pick up the pieces in the Hinterlands. Everything is built with a specific intention,” Boucher says.

World Dragon Age: Inquisition can be considered open, but it is filled with tedious and uninteresting quests like «collect a few dozen pieces of debris» and resource hunting. Also, large locations were empty and deserted. It seems that BioWare has decided to abandon this after players complained.

Corinne Boucher also compares Dragon Age: The Veilguard with another BioWare game series, Mass Effect. She calls the new Dragon Age «incredibly deep», as opposed to the space franchise. Some reviewers noticed similarity The Veilguard gameplay and Mass Effect, but the fantasy game will be more of an RPG.

«I actually see Mass Effect as an ARPG. A big action game, a secondary role-playing game. We’re almost the exact opposite of that».

Boucher said that games such as Final Fantasy 10 Sphere Grid and Final Fantasy 12 License Board «had a significant impact on Dragon Age: The Veilguard. In particular, it affected the character skill tree. Some reviewers are called the character editor of the fourth Dragon Age is the best in the series.

Sources: PC Gamer, GamesRadar

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