News Software 05-01-2024 at 18:25 comment views icon

Google has added Ukrainian support to some Gemini features: text queries on Android and «Extensions»

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Vadym Karpus

News writer

Google has introduced support for key Gemini features in more languages and countries. Among other things, users now have access to functions in Ukrainian.

The Gemini mobile app is now available for new languages and countries. It allows users to use text, voice, or images to get help and information. For example, a user can take a picture of a punctured tire and ask for repair instructions.

To use the Gemini app on Android, you need to activate Google Assistant on your phone and accept the invitation to try Gemini. The app will provide a new user experience and contextual help right on your smartphone screen. In Ukraine, this feature allows you to enter text queries in Ukrainian, but voice queries are currently available only in English.

Access to Gemini on iOS will be available in the Google app over the next few weeks. To communicate with Gemini, you will only need to tap the corresponding switch. For now, this feature will only work in Ukraine if you select English in iOS under «Language and Region».

The Extensions feature («Extensions») has also been made available for the Ukrainian language. It allows you to save time by getting relevant information from Google apps and services. For example, when planning a trip with friends, you can ask Gemini to select dates from Gmail that are suitable for everyone, find flight and hotel information based on these dates and locations, find YouTube videos about the necessary things, and summarize the list of things to take with you.

Source: Google

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