News Military Tech 05-14-2024 at 14:06 comment views icon

NATO’s secret weapon — Ukraine joins the network of combat laboratories of the Alliance

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Andrii Rusanov

News writer

NATO’s secret weapon — Ukraine joins the network of combat laboratories of the Alliance

Ukraine has joined the NATO combat laboratory network as a guest partner. The Combined Federated Battle Laboratories Network (CFBLNet) is a multinational network used by military equipment developers for testing, project verification, training, and development. This was reported by Ministry of Defense of Ukraine. The NCIA (NATO Communications and Information Agency), with which the Ministry of Defense has a technical agreement, helped Ukraine participate in the initiative.

Participation in the network will provide Ukraine with more opportunities to test military equipment and software systems for compatibility with those available in other NATO countries for better joint use. In particular, the accreditation will allow testing in classified systems. The CFBLNet network has about 400 locations in many countries. The CFBLNet center in Europe is managed by the NATO Communications and Information Agency (NCIA).

«Our cooperation with NATO and other partner countries is expanding our borders. We strive for interoperability with our partners, and our systems have long proven themselves in joint exercises. We are grateful for inviting Ukraine to join another initiative. We are ready to continue our work and deepen our cooperation,» said Kateryna Chernogorenko, Deputy Minister of Defense of Ukraine.

Cooperation with the NATO initiative will enhance the exchange of experience, strengthen cooperation, improve interoperability, and help conduct joint exercises. CFBLNet involves 39 NATO and partner countries.

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