News Software 07-11-2024 at 16:12 comment views icon

«Not a bug, but a feature». The Ministry of Defense explains why Reserve+ is unfriending users

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Kateryna Danshyna

News writer

«Not a bug, but a feature». The Ministry of Defense explains why Reserve+ is unfriending users

The Ministry of Defense says that the logout in Reserve+ (when a person has registered and the app asks them to re-enter their data) is intended by the developers.

«If a user does not log in to «Reserve+» for a week, the app automatically unwinds it for security reasons. Therefore, this is not a bug, but a feature for your safety,» explained in interview with DOU Deputy Minister of Defense for Digitalization Kateryna Chernogorenko.

As a reminder, Reserve+ launched in May and as of today, 2,477,178 people have updated their data through the app. At the same time, it did not cope with the load in the first days, but it seems that no updates are planned for stability, as the Ministry of Defense «does not predict such an influx.

«We do not currently anticipate such loads, and the second update with military records showed that the stability of the application was higher. Most of the problems with Reserve+ arise not because of high loads, but because of errors that occurred at the stage of transferring data from paper to the registry. We try to correct such errors as soon as possible, and that is why we launched the “Correct Data Online” function,» adds Chernogorenko.

She also shared information about who and how worked on the development of Reserve+ — in particular, it is a public organization «the Better Regulation Delivery Office» BRDO, which has experience in creating the Unified State Electronic System in the field of construction, the Register of Dual-Use Goods, etc. and several mysterious «subcontractors» who are not named for security reasons.

«External contractors directly wrote the code. Everything related to contractual relations, legal issues, legalization of the system, development of technical requirements, business analysis, technical specifications, functional and preliminary tests, trial operation — this was done internally. However, we should note that the source code of the application is owned by the Ministry of Defense, and we are its owner. That is, the developer cannot change the source code independently without the ministry’s permission,” says Chernohorenko.

As a reminder, starting June 18, we added the following to Reserve+ electronic military registration document and the opportunity correct some data onlineand recently, the current status of the reservation has been displayed.

The next feature of the app is automatic deferral. According to Chernogorenko, students and parents of three children will most likely be the first to test it. However, the launch timeframe has not yet been announced, as changes to the regulatory framework must first be made.

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