News Devices 07-24-2024 at 00:27 comment views icon

Ol’ Thumpy headphones with Helmholtz resonators — bass like no other

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Andrii Rusanov

News writer

Ol’ Thumpy headphones with Helmholtz resonators — bass like no other

Ol’ Thumpy, a dual Helmholtz resonator headphone, was designed by Philip from Pud’s Small Batch Headphones YouTube channel. Two large spheres sticking out of each driver enhance the bass.

The resonator in these headphones delivers powerful bass not available in other designs Philip’s headphones are available for purchase; he makes about 20-50 pairs of each design and sells them on his website.

«You know when you blow into a Coca-Cola bottle and it makes «u-u» — a Helmholtz resonator. It is tuned to a specific frequency. Here, the resonator is tuned to 60 Hz, which is a very deep bass tone»,” explains Philipp.

Each model of Pud’s Small Batch Headphones has a distinctive design feature. The Polycule, for example, has four ear cushions «so that a friend can listen to the». The question is how practical it is — but it is undoubtedly conceptual and original. These are not just meaningless designs. They may seem funny, but they are functional and well-made.

Навушники Ol' Thumpy з резонаторами Гельмгольца — бас, якого немає в жодних інших

Walking down the street in Ol’ Thumpy is a dubious proposition, but listening to the bass sound, and maybe listening to something all the time, why not? Another possible application of Philip’s models is among DJs, who sometimes decorate their heads with fancy designs.

Source: PC Gamer

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