News Technologies 05-20-2024 at 15:56 comment views icon

Scientists have created a resin for 3D printing of eye lenses – this will allow creating more affordable individual intraocular lenses

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Vadym Karpus

News writer

Researchers at the University of East Anglia have developed a resin that could change the way intraocular lenses are manufactured. These are artificial lenses that help restore clarity of vision and other eye conditions after surgery.

«While the ability to 3D print these lenses is still in its early stages, it could significantly improve patient eye care by offering unprecedented levels of customization and design precision, potentially leading to better clinical outcomes,» says Dr. Aram Said, who led the study.

Currently, intraocular lenses are manufactured using lathing and molding techniques. These traditional methods limit the complexity of the lens design and the possibilities for individual customization.

«3D printing can significantly improve the production of ocular devices, not only by increasing speed and accuracy in manufacturing, but also by enabling greater complexity and customization of the design»,” explained Dr. Said.

The development team envisions a future where 3D printing can be combined with advanced imaging technologies, reducing the need for adjustments or complications for patients after surgery. Each patient will be able to receive 3D printed lenses individually customized to their eye shape and vision requirements, improving vision and comfort.

The benefits of this resin go far beyond personalized vision care. 3D printed intraocular lenses can be a godsend for economically disadvantaged regions. In addition, printing lenses will speed up production, reduce costs, and create complex lens designs.

Since 3D printing can reduce the cost of lens production, it will make them more affordable for a wider range of patients around the world. This could lead to improved overall health and quality of life for millions of people. In addition, complex shapes and lenses made from new materials with improved optical performance can be offered.

The efforts of the University of East Anglia researchers have been recognized by a US patent.

Source: interestingengineering

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