News Movie 06-17-2024 at 18:28 comment views icon

Steven Spielberg threw the Apple Watch to the ground when it falsely alerted him to a fall during a conversation — and for nothing

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Andrii Rusanov

News writer

Steven Spielberg threw the Apple Watch to the ground when it falsely alerted him to a fall during a conversation — and for nothing

Steven Spielberg was wearing an Apple Watch when he spoke at the «Tribeca» festival and celebrated the 50th anniversary of his debut feature film, The Sugarland Express. The smartwatch mistakenly began to notify him of a fall and suggested he press the SOS button, which prevented the event from happening. Spielberg simply threw Apple Watch to the ground.

«I’m not going to press it. I’ll pick it up later», — the director said jokingly, only to pick up the watch a few minutes later.

Usually, when Apple Watch sends false alerts, it is better to just turn it off. Steven Spielberg intended to pick up the watch later, but was forced to do so soon afterwards — the device started sending a distress signal after not receiving a response from the owner.

The fall alert was triggered by the Fall Detection feature that was introduced in the Apple Watch Series 4. Although this signal has saved the lives of owners on several occasions, false alerts sometimes happen. This can happen when the watch detects that it is moving quickly and then suddenly stops. Fortunately, the company has added a feature that informs the user that they do not need to notify emergency services. However, during some business, it is not always possible to do this.

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