News Auto 07-04-2024 at 15:37 comment views icon

Tesla fan received a Cybertruck to replace a broken one — the second one also broke almost immediately

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Andrii Rusanov

News writer

Tesla fan received a Cybertruck to replace a broken one — the second one also broke almost immediately

YouTuber and huge Tesla LamarMK fan was scared when he discovered that his first Cybertruck, which he received in March, broke down on the side of the road just two weeks after receiving it. A flurry of red error messages on the car’s screen forced him to pull over.

The Cybertruck sent as a replacement also eventually had to be towed away. LamarMK’s patience ran out, and he turned to Tesla CEO Elon Musk for help. «We will fix it immediately,» Musk replied in a tweet, which delighted the fan, and he seemed to immediately forget the months of hell at the service center.

Initially, the service center was unable to fix the Cybertruck for weeks, but it finally returned it after engineers found a ground wire that turned off the machine’s high-voltage system. During the first major malfunction, the owner also noticed minor defects: waves on the windshield, sagging ceiling paneling, and a strange placement of the driver’s seat. Then he noticed a problem with the truck’s active blinds, which made him ask for help again.

«Don’t try to fix this truck anymore, just send a replacement from Texas as soon as possible! I can’t even make a two-hour trip without it breaking down», — the owner wrote on X Twitter.

«I’ve emphasized to Tesla several times that I don’t want a buyback or refund; I just want a replacement Cybertruck», — LamarMK added in the comment.

But even the terrible condition of the car did not break his mood.

«Tesla — is the way to go. I got everything from Tesla, and I will continue to support the Tesla brand,» he says with a smile in the video after weeks of adversity.

Toward the end of May, Tesla finally granted LamarMK’s wish — he received a new truck wrapped in blue vinyl. But then, because he couldn’t disconnect the charging cable, he was left in a difficult situation again. As a result, the service center staff had to drill under the trunk lid to manually release the latch because it wouldn’t open when they tried to jump over it.

Numerous malfunctions of the Tesla Cybertruck and difficulties with their correction make potential customers think twice before buying. The need to contact the company’s CEO to get a working car also does not do Tesla any favors.

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