News Military Tech 04-10-2024 at 13:56 comment views icon

UA Drone ID — drone recognition technology («own — foreign») for the DELTA battle management system

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Volodymyr Skrypin

Ексзаступник головного редактора

UA Drone ID — drone recognition technology («own — foreign») for the DELTA battle management system

UA DroneID technology will enhance the situational awareness system DELTA A modern NATO-style combat system used by the Security and Defense Forces of Ukraine. It allows you to see the battlefield in real time, exchange information within a unit, brigade, grouping, and, if necessary, with allies. This will help prevent friendly fire on drones and better analyze their use against enemy targets.

The Ministry of Defense shared a brief update on the development of the innovative UA DroneID technology, which complemented the DELTA battle management system — the department concluded a memorandum with the Ministry of Digital Transformation, NGO «Aerial Intelligence» and CossackLabs. This was preceded by testing the system in combat conditions with attack drones and a presentation of the technology to NATO countries.

«Ukraine is the first country to face robotic warfare. Continuous technological development will help increase the efficiency of drones and remove humans from the battlefield».

Kateryna Chernogorenko, Deputy Minister of Defense

Head of the Ministry of Digital Transformation Mykhailo Fedorov called the development of UA DroneID «a unique example of military-civilian cooperation on the technology track in the army». The UA DroneID system is designed to minimize friendly fire and preserve more Ukrainian drones to better target Russian and enemy equipment.

At the end of March started a new stage in the development of the DELTA situational awareness system, which involves the integration of different types of drones and tools for planning the work of operators. So, obviously, UA DroneID is only the first swallow, and there will be more to come.

Earlier, the Deputy Head of the Ministry of Strategic Industry Hanna Hvozdyar said, that about 200 companies are currently engaged in the production of various types of drones, and about 60 enterprises are involved in government orders. She also noted that as of the beginning of March, Ukraine produces about 150 thousand drones every month and plans to produce 2 million «birds» by the end of 2024.

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