News Software 06-17-2024 at 11:29 comment views icon

Windows 11 «eats up» CPU power again — Microsoft knows, but hasn’t done anything yet

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Andrii Rusanov

News writer

Windows 11 «eats up» CPU power again — Microsoft knows, but hasn’t done anything yet

The June builds of Windows 11 Insider suffer from increased CPU usage, and there is no solution to this problem yet. Insider program members suspect Microsoft Cross Device Service, a program that interacts between smartphones and PCs, of being responsible. Microsoft is aware of the problem, but hasn’t fixed it in over a week.

The problem was first reported by reported June 5, 2024 on the Microsoft forums. The increased CPU load disappears if you disable the Microsoft Cross Device Service. Unfortunately for Windows 11 insiders who would like to use the cross-device file sharing service, Microsoft has not yet released a fix. Microsoft engineer Jennifer Gee responded to one of them: «Thank you for your patience, we’ve identified the cause and are working on a fix» — but it’s not out yet.

It’s speculated that this bug is due to the new and improved Device Interaction Service features in Windows 11, which allows your PC to sync with your phone more easily to share files and more. Support for Phone Link has been identified as the most likely cause, but older changes made to Cross Device Service in earlier builds may also be responsible.

Users once again note that Microsoft may be heading «somewhere wrong». The system uses up to 10% of CPU power when idle, Recall function raises security concerns. Microsoft has to take steps back more often with its own innovations in Windows 11. At least there’s hope that the new «resource hog» will be fixed before the release.

Source: Tom`s Hardware

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