The AMC gives the go-ahead: billionaire Xavier Niel can buy lifecell for $525 million

News IT business 07-25-2024 at 19:27 comment
In December last year it became knownThe French investment company NJJ Capital is acquiring Ukrainian mobile operator lifecell from Turkey’s Turkcell. Together with the operator, the French acquired call centers LLC «Global Bilgi» and a mobile tower holder LLC «Ukrtower». However, in January, the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine (AMCU)…

The sale of lifecell to the French NJJ Capital should take place by September 2024, and then — a possible merger with «Datagroup» and Volia

News Technologies 03-18-2024 at 14:56 comment
In December, Turkcell (the parent company of lifecell) announced the sale of Ukrainian assets to French NJJ Capital — the deal is valued at $525 million, but cannot be closed within three months due to seizure of 19.8% of corporate rights in lifecell (the reason is that Turkcell’s indirect shareholders include sanctioned Russian businessman…

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