News Movie 06-05-2024 at 15:20 comment views icon

«Dude, I have a dragon»: Matt Smith (Damon Targaryen) says «would smash» Jon Snow in a potential battle

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Kateryna Danshyna

News writer

«Dude, I have a dragon»: Matt Smith (Damon Targaryen) says «would smash» Jon Snow in a potential battle

It is unlikely that Damon Targaryen and Jon Snow will ever meet, given the chronology of the stories — but who would win if a real battle took place? Matt Smith, who plays the role of Damon in the TV series «Dragon’s Den», believes that he would have the advantage.

«Who would win in a fight between Jon Snow and Damon? Dude, I have a dragon,» Smith joked in a conversation with Jimmy Fallon on the Tonight Show. «Look, I have a lot of respect for Jon Snow. Kit Harington is a great guy. But don’t get me wrong, I would have smashed him up«Dude, I have a dragon»: Matt Smith (Damon Targaryen) says «would smash» Jon Snow in a potential battle«Dude, I have a dragon»: Matt Smith (Damon Targaryen) says «would smash» Jon Snow in a potential battleThe original read: I would f*** those brothers up.».

Given the huge gap in the timeline, these rivals are unlikely to ever meet (unless Marvel makes their own version), but Damon will have someone to measure his strength with in the new season of «House of Dragon», where Westeros a war in which «green» and «black» Targaryens will fight for power (premiering on Max — June 16).

Earlier, the author of «Game of Thrones», George R.R. Martin, said that the second season of «House of the Dragon» got «very dark» episodes that will make us cry, and also announced 8 shows from the universe of his fantasy novels.

This year, the show will startdevelopment «Knight of the Seven Kingdoms» — a series based on the novels about Knight Dunk (Sir Duncan the High — later Lord Commander of the Kingsguard) and his squire Egg (later King Aegon V Targaryen). HBO is also collaborating with «Batman» writer Matson Tomlin to create the series about Aegon «the Conqueror» Targaryen (the events will take place about 130 years before most of the events of «House of the Dragon», i.e. almost 300 years before the events of the original series «Game of Thrones»). Re direct sequel «Game of Thrones» about Jon Snow, it was canceled due to a lack of source material.

The full version of the interview with Matt Smith is available below:

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