News Auto 07-24-2024 at 17:38 comment views icon

If it breaks down, the ends of the — Tesla Cybertruck are almost impossible to repair

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Andrii Rusanov

News writer

If it breaks down, the ends of the — Tesla Cybertruck are almost impossible to repair

Kyle Wade, an experienced car mechanic from the BoostedBoiz YouTube channel, bought a broken-down Tesla Cybertruck and tried to revive it. He is amazed at the difficulty of repairing this car — almost nothing works.

«Okay, Cybertruck, if you don’t start working properly soon, we’re going to take you apart and put a diesel engine in you,» Kyle says in one of the videos.

Якщо розбився, то з кінцями — Tesla Cybertruck майже неможливо ремонтувати

Wade bought a badly damaged Cybertruck a few weeks ago. Earlier this year, a Ford Edge crashed into the car at an intersection (yes, the electric pickup was not so hardy as in the case of damaged the Toyota at low speed).

The car was unfit to drive due to many significant damages. The mechanic towed the car to his shop in Florida. In a 30-minute video, he shows the details of his attempts to fix the car, from replacing the battery to resetting the onboard sensors, all to no avail.

The YouTuber is still trying to turn this pickup truck into something, but the journey looks like an uphill battle. With all the on-board electronic equipment, specialized sensors, and other high-tech systems, trying to fix this thing would require a huge effort. There are not many Cybertrucks in operation, and therefore most mechanics do not have much experience with them, and there is almost no market for spare parts.

The experiment perfectly demonstrates the difficulties that an ordinary driver and even a professional mechanic can face if something breaks down in a Cybertruck. It was once assumed that electric vehicles would not be as difficult to repair as conventional ones, but research show that Tesla cars break down more often than cars with an internal combustion engine.

Source: The Byte

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