News Games 05-28-2024 at 21:30 comment views icon

Larian wanted to create Baldur’s Gate 4 — Wizards of the Coast didn’t like the studio’s ideas

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Andrii Rusanov

News writer

Larian wanted to create Baldur’s Gate 4 — Wizards of the Coast didn’t like the studio’s ideas

One of the developers of Baldur’s Gate 3 says that Larian wanted to make the fourth game in the series and promoted its ideas, but Wizards of the Coast, the owners of D&D, did not like them. As you know, after that Larian announced that the next one would be created by some other studio. In a conversation with GamesRadar+ Adam Smith, director of photography, spoke about Larian’s attempt to create another Baldur’s Gate.

«For us, we didn’t have anything unfinished that we wanted to say, we wanted to move on to other worlds,— Smith said of completing Baldur’s Gate 3. — And we tried, we started pushing ideas for Baldur’s Gate 4. They didn’t excite us, and we didn’t have the fire [to continue]…It was obvious — we’re not going to do it. And it’s great to work in a place where you’re not told, «Yes, but it’s going to make us so much money, so we have to do it», — Smith said.

According to him, one of the reasons for creating Baldur’s Gate 3 is to be able to honestly say: «This is a story we really care about». Many studios often don’t have full autonomy in their work and don’t have this kind of choice.

The Baldur’s Gate 3 director also spoke about the canceled DLC for the game. Earlier this year, Larian studio head Sven Winke said that Larian intended to create an add-on for Baldur’s Gate 3, but abandoned it simply because no one from the team was passionate about it. Winke said that employees even thanked him for canceling the DLC.

«Additional content, we discussed it, but it would be completely different. If it’s just an excuse to play the biggest hits again and show these characters again. I know some people want further adventures for them, but we said «no, we told the stories we wanted to tell». That doesn’t mean that it shouldn’t live in the imagination, but we did what we wanted to do because otherwise we would be forcing ourselves to».


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