News Movie 05-21-2024 at 09:59 comment views icon

«Let us lower your IQ». New teaser for «Deadpool and Wolverine» and a disclayer from Ryan Reynolds

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Kateryna Danshyna

News writer

«Let us lower your IQ». New teaser for «Deadpool and Wolverine» and a disclayer from Ryan Reynolds

«Mostly we’re going to beat each other up, make enemies with Disney, and tell some jokes,» says Ryan Reynolds in the announcement.

The creators of the movie «Deadpool and Wolverine» have released a new teaser for the movie before the start of ticket sales. For the most part, the video shows all the scenes we’ve seen in previous trailers, including the iconic Logan and Wade entrance at the beginning, but one of the shots is — new, and fans really liked the tone it sets for Marvel’s fifth phase.

The first trailer for «Deadpool and Wolverine» has been released the most popular trailer of all time with 365 million viewsand the second broke the record for the number of obscene words (unfortunately, only in the original version), so of course, the new scene in the teaser predicts the highest R-rating among the MCU films.

Ryan Reynolds’ disclaimer only confirms these assumptions:

«Mostly we’re going to punch each other, make enemies with Disney, tell a few jokes, make jokes about me, make more jokes about Hugh, and completely bypass Marvel’s mandatory requirement of advertising another movie in the credits. So sit back, relax, and let us lower your IQ and raise your heart rate,» Reynolds says in the video.

«Deadpool and Wolverine» —the only Marvel feature film to be released in 2024. The two previous releases, along with the entire «X-Men» franchise, were owned by Fox until it was acquired by Disney in 2019 for $71.3 billion. Previously, the director of «X-Men: First Class» Matthew Vaughn stated that the third «Deadpool» — is «push» that can save the Marvel universe.

«Deadpool and Wolverine» set a record in the Deadpool movie series — due to its long running time

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