News Movie 07-05-2024 at 22:07 comment views icon

«Rats», spin-off of the series «The Witcher», will be released separately or as an episode of the fourth season — the title has been revealed

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Andrii Rusanov

News writer

«Rats», spin-off of the series «The Witcher», will be released separately or as an episode of the fourth season — the title has been revealed

The long history of filming a spin-off «Rats» series «The Witcher» has received an update, more specific, though unofficial and not final. The Redanian Intelligence website told about the project’s title and possible release format.

So, the series will be called The Rats: A Witcher Tale («The Rats»: The Witcher Saga») — this is the name if indeed a separate series will be released. This will be a prequel story about the «Rats» gang before they meet Ciri.

It was last reported that Netflix is considering to integrate the footage into the fourth season of «The Witcher» or release it as a movie or a special episode. Mairzi Almas, the director, listed «Rats» as a special episode on her Linkedin page. The casting director of «The Witcher» also previously talked about a special episode in the fourth season:

«I recently had a really great opportunity with a very special, almost standalone, episode of the fourth season of «The Witcher» that explores a whole new group of people. We found a guy named Connor Crawford and we were able to add him to this group of «Witcher». The whole group is very exciting in terms of talent: Kristel Alvin, Juliette Alexander, Ben Radcliffe. You will get to know the characters in the third season, and then they will appear in the fourth».

The choice between the two options is likely to be a matter of time. In fact, Netflix would need most of the footage of the fourth seasonto be able to insert a story «Rats» somewhere. Right now, in the middle of the production season, there is hardly a final solution.

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