News IT business 05-30-2024 at 08:56 comment views icon

Samsung workers exposed to severe X-rays at work — investigation launched

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Andrii Rusanov

News writer

Samsung workers exposed to severe X-rays at work — investigation launched

South Korean authorities have opened a case against Samsung after finding that two workers at one of the tech giant’s plants were exposed to X-rays. The two hospitalized patients showed «abnormal» symptoms on their fingers, the South Korean Nuclear Safety Commission (NSSC) said in a statement.

Samsung said in a statement that two employees of the semiconductor manufacturing plant in Gyeongtaek were accidentally exposed to X-rays on their hands.

«These people are currently undergoing follow-up examinations at the hospital, and Samsung fully supports their treatment and recovery. The company will cooperate with all relevant authorities and ensure that recurrences are prevented», — Samsung says.

The Samsung plant in Gyeongtaek is located about 40 kilometers south of the South Korean capital Seoul. Authorities said they have suspended the use of the machine that caused the incident. The exact cause of the exposure is currently unknown as the Nuclear Safety Commission is conducting an investigation. The commission said it would take further action if any violations of safety laws are confirmed.

This is not the first time Samsung employees have been exposed to radiation. The South Korean government linked the cancer that claimed the life of one of the company’s former employees in 2012 to radiation and chemical exposure during her work at one of its plants. The company apologized to the employees who contracted cancer at its plants and in 2015 established a compensation fund for them and the families of the deceased.

Source: CNBC

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