News Auto 07-31-2024 at 16:55 comment views icon

A fan climbed on a Tesla Cybertruck to prove its strength — crushed the windshield and pretended everything was fine

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Andrii Rusanov

News writer

A fan climbed on a Tesla Cybertruck to prove its strength — crushed the windshield and pretended everything was fine

Elon Musk claims that the Tesla Cybertruck is the most durable car money can buy — despite numerous problems. An electric pickup fan proved that the car is not that strong, and that some people are too overconfident.

The reality often differs from the opinions of fans — just like this time. The author of the video decided to prove the strength of the Cybertruck windshield by simply walking on two cars with his feet. But something went wrong, and he pretended that nothing had happened.

«This thing is made to last a long time. I’m walking on it right now», — with these words he climbed on the hood and then on the glass.

One of the largest in the industry, the Cybertruck’s windshield bends noticeably and a cracking noise is heard. You can see a crack along its right side. This mistake can actually cost $1900 and is likely to put the pickup out of commission for a long time.

Despite this, the author of the video just acts like nothing happened.

Due to the numerous problems with the Tesla Cybertruck, not least because of the attitude towards Elon Musk himself, the car is not very popular now and is a permanent an object for jokes. The author does not like this very much.

«It’s so funny, it’s the most American car. You all hate this truck, even though it redefines what they had. Tesla makes most of the cars produced in America during this period», — the fan continues to defend the car even after he crushed the glass.

So, fanaticism can sometimes be literally blind and destructive. Just because you like something doesn’t mean it’s perfect.

Source: The Byte

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