News Movie 06-18-2024 at 11:03 comment views icon

«Deadpool and Spiderman» — Shawn Levy wants to reunite Wade Wilson with Peter Parker in the next movie

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Kateryna Danshyna

News writer

«Deadpool and Spiderman» — Shawn Levy wants to reunite Wade Wilson with Peter Parker in the next movie

«Deadpool and Wolverine» hasn’t been released in theaters yet, and its creators are already thinking about a new project.

Director Shawn Levy, for example, wouldn’t mind combining Deadpool with Spider-Man on the screen next time.

«I think that Deadpool can make anything more interesting with his audacity. I would definitely love to see Deadpool and Spiderman, and that’s a movie I would love to make. I think Tom Holland would run in circles around everyone else,» Levy said (via Games Radar).

Meanwhile, the producer of the third «Deadpool», Wendy Jacobson, is thinking about a movie with the «Talking Mercenary» and the villain from «The Hulk», Titania:

«It’s such a fun character, and the actress herself can improve and knows how to make jokes. I would love to work with someone like Ryan Reynolds — fast, smart and endlessly funny. I think this woman could handle it».

«Deadpool and Wolverine» will be the 34th MCU film and will be released as part of Phase 5 of the cinematic universe — in the story, Wade Wilson and Logan will confront Cassandra, the evil twin of Professor X. The film will be released in Ukraine on July 25.

Trailer «Deadpool and Wolverine»,published in early February, becamethe most popular of all time with 365 million views, while the second — broke the record for the most likes in the Marvel universe as a whole.

Earlier, Shawn Levy clarified that to view you don’t have to watch other Marvel movies because the plot was intended to be understandable to the general public, and the director of the movie «X-Men: First Class» Matthew Vaughn said that the third «Deadpool» — is«push», which can save the MCU

«Deadpool and Wolverine» —the only Marvel feature film to be released in 2024. Fox owned the two previous releases, along with the entire «X-Men» franchise, until it was acquired by Disney in 2019 for $71.3 billion.

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